YOUR YARD is a 15 minute session at the monthly business meeting following the program of the month. YOUR YARD shows the relationship and information presented by the speaker and program of the month and how it can be of use to a club member in their own yard in this area of the county. A club member experienced in horticulture and master gardener garden club member team up to relate the program of the day and how to take advantage of the information.
THE PLANT POSSE, a part of YOUR YARD, consists of a garden club master gardener member and various garden club members experienced in different areas of horticulture that will make a site analysis of a club members yard. THE PLANT POSSE will evaluate problems in the landscape and make recommendations.
YOUR YARD and THE PLANT POSSE are club member friendly. No problem is too small and no question is unimportant. Individual attention to every club member and making gardening successful in the club members own landscape is the goal of YOUR YARD.
Contact the Plant Posse for an appointment today!